Saturday 22 August 2015

Moda Building Blocks {finished at last}

I finished hand stitching the binding onto my Moda Building Blocks quilt this week. I think that might be my favourite part of quilt making, it is contemplative and satisfying.

I learnt in the process of making this quilt that I don't actually like the look of sampler quilts much, although they are interesting to sew. However, I have grown quite fond of this one.

I have two more quilts to bind. After spending much of the year feeling like I just had endless WIPs, there are finally a few in the finishing queue.


  1. I think that sampler quilts are like children: you only like your own, and those of your friends! Anyway, I think it's fab, as you know. The colours are great too!

  2. I love your colour choices and the extra white you added. Someone suggested I do that but it was already sewn together. I wish I had though, it gives the eye a rest! I agree about sampler quilts, although sadly I haven't come to love my version much. Proud yes, love no. I'm glad it's going to someone who will like it!

  3. A lovely finish Megan! There's a lot happening in this pattern, you have managed to keep it calm & sophisticated! I think sampler quilts are extremely good way to learn new techniques, but I've yet to really love any I've made!

  4. Looks great Megan - how big did it end up?

  5. I like what you've done with this. I have never used white in a quilt yet, but I do like how you've used it to make strong feature colours stand out. I certainly know that feeling of too many WIPs and not enough finishes.

  6. I think you did a fine job. It's beautiful. I like sampler quilts. They are fun to sew and look at!

  7. Beautiful colour choices you've made. It ,looks stunning; )
